In Egemed Hospitals Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department provides a successful service in the region

with its Specialists and a highly experienced Physiotherapist team.

In Egemed Hospitals Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department provides a successful service in the region with its Specialists and a highly experienced Physiotherapist team.


Egemed Söke Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department, which succeeds in bringing high standards, trust and smiling faces together, pays the same care and attention to all patients and uses all technological facilities for the health of patients. For all of our patients, we plan and apply the appropriate treatment as a team in line with the training he received for relieving the patient’s pain, healing his disease and rehabilitation before and after surgery.


Considering today’s working conditions and lifestyle, the importance of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is increasing in almost every branch of modern medicine. In the Physical Therapy Department, services for rehabilitation in neurological, orthopedic, pediatric, geriatric, gynecological, urogynological and rheumatological diseases and treatment of all musculoskeletal system diseases and pain are provided. In addition, preventive physiotherapy services are provided according to the occurrence of the patient’s complaints.


In Egemed Hospitals Physical Therapy Department, various treatment methods specific to the patient are developed and preventive or curative applications are made for the ailment.


Rehabilitation Types Applied in Egemed Hospitals Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department:


  • Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  • Neurological Rehabilitation
  • Urogenital Rehabilitation
  • Amputee Rehabilitation
  • Rheumatic Rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Rehabilitation
  • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation


In addition, our other health services such as Prolo therapy, Neural therapy, Ozone therapy are successfully applied in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation department of Egemed Söke Hospital as supportive and prioritized services.

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